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Extending the Life of Your Roof with Asphalt Shingles in Montgomery, AL

Asphalt shingles have been popular for homeowners and businesses across America due to their durability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. At Century Roofing, we pride ourselves on providing residents of Montgomery, AL with the highest quality asphalt roofing solutions tailored to their individual needs. Our skilled professionals work closely with each client to ensure we meet their expectations and deliver a reliable, long-lasting roofing system.

One key aspect that sets Century Roofing apart is our keen attention to detail and commitment to using only premium materials in our asphalt shingle installations. We have partnered with industry-leading manufacturers to offer our clients various styles, colors, and designs. Whether it’s a traditional 3-tab shingle or an upscale architectural shingle, we have the perfect option to complement your home or business, all while providing exceptional protection against the elements. Contact Century Roofing today and discover why we are Montgomery’s premier asphalt roofing contractor.

Schedule a Consultation with Century Roofing!

Don’t miss out on the incredible benefits of asphalt roofing from Century Roofing. Contact our team today to schedule a consultation and upgrade your property’s roof in Montgomery, AL. Experience quality, durability, and style that only Century Roofing can provide.

(334) 451-9997

Benefits of Choosing Asphalt Roofing for Your Montgomery Property

Asphalt roofing systems offer a number of compelling advantages, which make them a go-to choice for property owners in Montgomery, AL. Firstly, asphalt shingles are budget-friendly without compromising on quality or appearance. They are available in a diverse range of styles and colors, allowing for a customized look that is sure to enhance curb appeal.

In addition, asphalt roofs are known for their incredible durability. With the ability to withstand severe weather conditions including strong winds, hail, and heavy rain, this roofing material offers a high level of protection for your property. Century Roofing combines top-notch workmanship with proper installation techniques and maintenance recommendations to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Key Features of 3-Tab Asphalt Shingles

Fiberglass or Organic Mat

The core of an asphalt shingle can be made from either fiberglass or an organic material, such as paper or cellulose. Fiberglass shingles are more prevalent today due to their lighter weight and better fire resistance. Organic shingles, while less common now, were historically used before fiberglass became widely available.

Asphalt Coating

The mat is coated with asphalt, a sticky, black, and highly viscous substance derived from crude oil. The asphalt provides a waterproofing layer and helps bind the other shingle components together.

Mineral Granules

The exposed surface of the asphalt shingle is covered with mineral granules. These granules serve multiple purposes, including protecting the shingle from harmful UV rays, adding color and texture, and increasing its fire resistance. The granules also help improve the shingle’s overall durability by shielding it from potential damage.

Asphalt Roofing FAQs

Asphalt roofing systems are known for their longevity, often lasting between 20 to 30 years, with architectural shingles even reaching up to 50 years with proper care and maintenance. Your actual roof lifespan heavily relies on several factors including weather conditions, the quality of the initial installation, adequate ventilation, and regular roof maintenance. Century Roofing’s expert team ensures quality installation and provides routine maintenance services to help extend your roof’s lifespan.

Curling asphalt shingles can be a sign of a few issues. One of the most common causes is improper ventilation, which creates a build-up of heat and moisture in the attic, causing the shingles to warp. Age is another factor that can lead to shingle curling as over time, exposure to the elements causes them to dry out and curl up. Our team at Century Roofing can provide an assessment to identify the source of your roof problems and provide effective solutions.

While technically possible, painting asphalt shingles is generally not recommended. Paint can affect the shingles’ ability to reflect sunlight, potentially shortening their lifespan, and may void any warranty on the shingles. Instead, Century Roofing suggests replacing faded shingles with new ones that match the color and style of your existing roof.

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Contact Us to Invest in a High-Quality and Durable Roofing System

Let Century Roofing help you protect your investment by providing a stunning and durable asphalt roof tailored to your specific needs. Call us now to schedule a free consultation and experience the difference that professional service and expert craftsmanship make.

(334) 451-9997

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